Senior Lecturer

Dr Julia Jabour

Dr Julia Jabour is a member of the Ocean & Antarctic Governance Research Program at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. She is 20% contributed to ACE CRC. Dr Jabour has been researching, writing and lecturing on polar governance for 20 years. Most of her teaching and research is interdisciplinary, and involves examining current scientific and technical developments, determining their utility to the policy and law-making processes, and translating that information into user-friendly knowledge for uptake by non-specialist audiences.

Dr Jabour has visited Antarctica six times, and been an advisor to the Australian Government at Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings on three occasions.

She teaches into a variety of Antarctic law and policy undergraduate and postgraduate units and has had teaching assignments in Iceland, Malaysia, Vietnam and New Zealand.

Dr Jabour currently supervises seven research higher degree (one Masters and six PhD) students.

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Current Research

Dr Jabour’s contribution to the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre activities involves participation in the researching, writing and presentation of position analyses at users’ forums in Canberra and researching policy consequences with the Climate Futures for Tasmania team within ACE CRC.

Recent Position Analyses:
Update on Ocean Fertilisation (in press 2015)
Governance: Climate Change, Antarctica and Southern Ocean Research (2011)
Marine Ecosystems in the Southern Ocean (2011)
Changes to Antarctic Sea Ice: Impacts (2009)
Ocean Fertilisation: Science and Policy Issues (2008)

Her most recent collaborative publication is Fox-Hughes P, Harris RMB, Lee G, Jabour J, Remenyi T & Bindoff NL (2014) Future Fire Danger, Climate Futures for Tasmania Technical Report, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart, June 2014.

This report also generated a grant from the Department of Police and Emergency Management in 2014 for a research project titled “Projecting Volunteer Requirements Under Extreme Climate Futures” in which Julia is a participant.

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

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