
Prof Andrew McMinn

Professor McMinn graduated from Sydney University with first class honours in 1978, gained a PhD from Macquarie University in 1985 and a DSc from the University of Tasmania in 2006. After working for 10 years with the NSW Geological Survey in Sydney, he moved to University of Tasmania 1991 and  In May 2002 I become Director of the Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies.

He has spent 16 field seasons in the Antarctic, 4 in the Arctic and 5 on sea ice in Hokkaido.

Professor McMinn’s research has focused on sea ice ecology and environmental change. He has investigated the ecology, biochemistry, production and photophysiology of sea ice microbial communities. In particular, he pioneered the in situ use of micro sensors in polar environments. His work has also included an examination of the effects of UV, work that was subsequently published in Nature.

Professor McMinn was the inaugural Director of the International Antarctic Institute, a consortium of 20 Antarctic-focused universities. In 2007 he was appointed to the UNESCO-Cousteau Chair for the Antarctic Environment.


Professor McMinn is currently working on the effects of ocean acidification on sea ice communities. This also includes the cumulative impacts of multi-stressors. This research is being conducted both in the field and in lab-based sea ice tanks

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

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