ACE CRC Symposium

The purpose of the ACE CRC’s biennial symposium is to provide a scientific context for future research in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean; to highlight the big questions for the future; and to showcase the work of emerging Antarctic scientists.

Tasmania and Antarctica – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Tasmania has had an association with Antarctica since as early as 1773. Join us during Welcome Home Week to celebrate the influence that the Antarctic has had on Tasmania and its development and explore over thirty years of Antarctic research at the University of Tasmania. Panellists will reflect on the exceptional Antarctic research and teaching […]

Tasmanian Polar Network

Dear TPN members   The next general meeting and strategic planning session of the TPN will be held in the afternoon of 21 April 2015 (time to be confirmed) at the CCAMLR building, 181 Macquarie Street Hobart.   Please, save the date so your views can be incorporated into the TPN 2015 strategic plan.

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

core participants



other participants

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