Dr. Steve Rintoul visits Narraweena Public School

Dr. Steve Rintoul, Leader of ACE’s Oceans Program, visited Narraweena Public School as part of the Grand Prize for the Seals for the Reef Colouring Competition. Dr. Steve spoke to 120 nine and ten year-olds about Seals for the Reef, climate change, Antactica, the Great Barrier Reef and the Elephant Seals who swim the waters of the Southern Ocean. Ryan, who won the colouring competition, joined Dr. Steve Rintoul, and Qantas’ Head of Environment,Peter Broschofsky on stage to receive his family trip prize to the Great Barrier Reef as well as a limited edition Seals for the Reef Tshirt. His mother and little sister were also invited on stage to accept the prize.

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

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