Ocean-Ice Sheet Modeller

Dr Ben Galton Fenzi

Dr Ben Galton-Fenzi’s main interest is in the processes governing the interaction between the Earth’s ice sheets, the oceans and other parts of the geophysical system. He combines computational methods, theory and available, yet sparse, observations to discover and test our understanding of the physical relationships in the global climate system. His specific interests include: the mechanisms controlling the dynamic interaction between the ice sheets and the oceans; dense water formation in Antarctica; the interactions between the ocean and sea ice, icebergs and ice shelves; and variability and change in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.


Dr Galton-Fenzi is Co-Leader of the ACE CRC’s Ocean Forced Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Project.

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

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