Dr Kathrin Wuttig obtained her PhD on “Manganese biogeochemistry in the sunlit ocean” from the GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany in 2013. She received the scientific award of the Annette-Barthelt-Foundation for the best thesis in marine sciences in 2014. Afterwards she worked on the “effects of ocean acidification on trace metal cycling and bioavailability – clarifying the dust chain” in SOPRAN, the German contribution to SOLAS, before she joined the ACE CRC in 2015.
She participated in a number of cruises to the tropical Oceans and in ocean acidification and trace metal dissolution mesocoms studies. She is specialised in various seagoing analysis techniques like Flow Injection Analysis systems and is interested in the speciation of different trace metals, their bioavailability and the interaction with the short-lived reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can both act as an oxidant and a reductant in seawater.
The central focus is on the key processes involved in marine biogeochemical cycles, especially on iron (and fingerprint trace metals) – their concentrations, sources (e.g. atmospheric, riverine input or upwelling) and sinks (e.g. biological uptake, sedimentation) and their relevance to other biogeochemical cycles in seawater. It is vital to understand their bioavailability and kinetics in the ocean as these factors may control Southern Ocean biological productivity. The goal is to understand the responses to natural (iron) fertilisation which depend on climate variability and changes.
Chever, F.; Rouxel, O.; Croot, P. L; Ponzevera, E.; Wuttig, K. and Auro, M. “Total dissolvable and dissolved iron isotopes in the water column of the Peru upwelling regime“ in press 2015, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta.
Wuttig, K., Heller, M. I. and Croot, P. L., “Pathways of O2- decay in the Tropical Atlantic.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47, (18), 10249-56.
Wuttig, K., Heller, M. I. and Croot, P. L., “Reactivity of inorganic Mn and Mn Desferrioxamine B with O2, O2- and H2O2 in seawater.” Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47, (18), 10257-65.
Wuttig, K. Manganese biogeochemistry in the sunlit ocean. Ph.D.-thesis, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 2013.
Wuttig, K.; Wagener, T.; Bressac, M.; Dammshäuser, A.; Streu, P.; Guieu, C.; Croot, P. L., Impacts of dust deposition on dissolved trace metal concentrations (Mn, Al and Fe) during a mesocosm experiment. Biogeosciences 2013, 10, (4), 2583-2600.
Croot, P. L., Heller, M. I., Schlosser, C. and Wuttig, K. (2011), “Utilizing Radioisotopes for Trace Metal Speciation Measurements in Seawater.” Radioisotopes – Applications in Physical Sciences. N. Singh, InTech: 247-278.
Bluhm, K., Croot, P. L., Wuttig, K. and Lochte, K. (2010), “Transformation of iodate to iodide in marine phytoplankton driven by cell senescence.” Aquatic Biology 11(1): 1-15.
ERASMUS Scholarship, 2005
ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Student Travel Award, 2011
Scientific award of the Annette Barthelt Foundation for the best thesis in marine sciences, 2014
Invited Participant, Dissertations Symposium on Chemical Oceanography (DISCO) XXIII, Lihue, Hawaii, USA, 2012