Dr Schallenberg is interested in the large-scale coupling of the physical, chemical and biological drivers of phytoplankton productivity. Her current research emphasis is on optical biological oceanography, with a focus on the application of fluorescence measurements to assess phytoplankton physiological status. She works predominantly in the Southern Ocean, utilizing different kinds of fluorescence measurements from moorings and shipboard instruments.
Originally from Germany, Dr Schallenberg finished her MSc in Oceanography at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, in 2003. Her MSc work focussed on optical methods in biological oceanography. She then proceeded to live in Canada, working as a science journalist and editor before returning to graduate school at the University of Victoria, Canada, and finishing her PhD in 2015. She is currently supported by an NSERC post-doctoral fellowship.
Dr Schallenberg’s work is closely linked with the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS). She undertakes measurements aboard the R/V Investigator during research cruises to the mooring site, and she is looking forward to enhanced bio-optical data from the mooring in its upcoming deployment.
Schallenberg, C., Bestley, S., Klocker, A., Trull, T.W., Davies, D.M., Gault-Ringold, M., Eriksen, R., Roden, N.P., Sander, S., Sumner, M., Townsend, A.T., van der Merwe, P., Westwood, K., Wuttig, K., Bowie, A., 2018. Sustained upwelling of subsurface iron supplies seasonally persistent phytoplankton blooms around the southern Kerguelen plateau, Southern Ocean, JGR-Oceans, 123(8), doi:10.1029/2018JC013932.
Schallenberg, C., Ross, A.R.S., Davidson, A.B., Stewart, G.M., Cullen, J.T., 2017. Temporal variability of dissolved iron species in the mesopelagic zone at Ocean Station PAPA; Journal of Marine Systems, 172, 128-136; doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.03.006.
Schuback, N., Schallenberg, C., Duckham, C.A., Maldonado, M.T., Tortell, P.D., 2015. Interacting effects of light and iron availability on the coupling of photosynthetic electron transport and CO2-assimilation in marine phytoplankton. Plos One; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133235.
Melbourne-Thomas, J., Meiners, K.M., Mundy, C.J., Schallenberg, C., Tattersall, K.L., Dieckmann, G.S., 2015. Algorithms to estimate Antarctic sea-ice algal biomass from under-ice irradiance spectra at regional scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 536, 107-121; doi:10.3354/meps11396.
Schallenberg, C., Davidson, A.B., Simpson, K.G., Miller, L.A., Cullen, J.T., 2015. Iron(II) variability in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean; Marine Chemistry, 177, Part 1, 33-44; doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.04.004.
Schallenberg, C., van der Merwe, P., Chever, F., Cullen, J.T., Lannuzel, D., Bowie, A.G., 2015. Dissolved iron and iron(II) distributions beneath the pack ice in the East Antarctic (120 °E) during the winter/spring transition; Deep-Sea Research II; doi:dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.02.019.
Schallenberg, C., Lewis, M.R., Kelley, D.E., Cullen, J.J., 2008. Inferred influence of nutrient availability on the relationship between sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and incident irradiance in the Bering Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C07046; doi:10.1029/2007JC004355.
NSERC post-doctoral fellowship, PDF (2017-19)
Dr. Arne H. Lane Graduate Scholarship in Marine Sciences (2013-14)
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-MSFSS) for a research visit at the University of Tasmania, Australia (2012-13)
Montalbano Scholars Fellowship (2011-14)
“Best Young Scientist” award at the 2010 ClimECO2 workshop in Brest, France, for the poster “Getting the word out – successful communication with journalists”
Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship, NSERC CGS-D (2009-13)
Scholarship of the German National Merit Foundation (2000-2002)