
Dr Tessa Vance

Dr Vance develops high resolution palaeoclimate records with a view to understanding long-term climate change. She has a particular interest in developing rainfall and drought records for Australia and the SE Pacific region over the last 2000 years, and in understanding the underlying climate processes that cause rainfall variability

She has worked for the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre in a research capacity since mid-2010.

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Current Research

Current research involves a co-funded project with the University of Newcastle using palaeoclimate records of rainfall and drought to reconstruct catchment inflows for eastern Australia. This project will provide sounder statistics for extreme events for eastern Australian water catchment authorities.

Authorised by the CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre October 2019.

The ACE CRC was established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.

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