Dr Roland Warner
Dr Warner's work focuses on the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in the global Earth System, and its impact on sea level in a changing climate.
View ProfileDr Warner's work focuses on the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in the global Earth System, and its impact on sea level in a changing climate.
View ProfileDr Wuttig is interested in the speciation of different trace metals, their bioavailability and the interaction with the short-lived reactive oxygen species.
View ProfileDr Tilbrook leads a number of research projects on ocean acidification and carbon cycling in the Southern Ocean and in the waters around Australia.
View ProfileDr Berry is part of the ACE CRC's Carbon Uptake and Chemical Change project.
View ProfileDr Davies is part of the ACE CRC's Carbon Uptake & Chemical Change project.
View ProfileDr Swadling's research field is the ecology of pelagic invertebrates, with over 20 years’ experience working in Southern Ocean and temperate marine ecosystems.
View ProfileDr Domingues is a Physical Oceanographer dedicated to advancing knowledge about variability and change in global and regional distribution of ocean heat uptake, implications for ocean circulation, sea level and climate, physical mechanisms involved, and the role of natural and anthropogenic forcings.
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